In that case, we will take necessary legal actions. It is free for both personal and commercial purposes but do not redistribute or sell our templates to anyone and anywhere. You can easily download our templates and edit the contents, saving you time and money. You need not worry about hiring any PowerPoint expert or buying expensive PowerPoint templates.
Yes! All of our PowerPoint templates are free for everyone. So, you can support us by sharing our work with others or sending us a cup of coffee. Here, you will get premium-quality templates for free. If you check our templates, you will understand how much quality we are trying to provide through our work. Currently, we are being followed by 953,000+ people on YouTube. PowerPoint School is the largest community over the internet where we share only the best works of PowerPoint. Why you should use our PowerPoint templates?
Let’s get the answer to your most-asked questions and understand the details of our free PowerPoint templates.